The main objective of the research project is the procurement, installation and operation of a modern digital ionospheric sounder for the provision of real-time data in order to characterise the ionosphere over Cyprus with a time resolution of 15 minutes. The ultimate aim of the project is the creation of a database to facilitate the collection of data describing the conditions for ionospheric radio-propagation over Cyprus and the development of other products such as models, maps and warnings for imminent ionospheric disturbances.
- Cander, H. Haralambous On the importance of total electron content enhancements during the extreme solar minimum, Advances in Space Research (Elsevier) Special Issue on Scientific applications of Galileo and other Global Navigation Satellite Systems, 47(2), pp 304-311, 2011 Doi: 10.1016/j.asr.2010.08.026.
- Papadopoulos and Haralambous H. Reliable Prediction Intervals with Regression Neural Networks. Neural Networks 24(8): 842-851. Elsevier, 2011. DOI: 10.1016/j.neunet.2011.05.008.
- Konstantinidis, Haralambous H., A. Agapitos and H. Papadopoulos. A GP-MOEA/D Approach for Modelling Total Electron Content over Cyprus. Engineering Intelligent Systems 18(3-4): 193-203. CRL Publishing, 2010.
- Haralambous H., and H. Papadopoulos. A neural network approach for the interpolation of missing foF2 data points. Engineering Intelligent Systems 20(1-2): 193-203. CRL Publishing, 2012.
- Vryonides, H. Haralambous, Comparison of COSMIC measurements with the IRI-2007 model over the eastern Mediterranean region. Journal of Advanced Research, Volume 4, Issue 3, May 2013, Pages 297-301.
- Oikonomou, H. Haralambous, C. Haldoupis, Chris Meek Sporadic E tidal variabilities and characteristics observed with the Cyprus Digisonde. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Volume 119, Nov 2014, Pages 173-183.
- H Haralambous, C. Oikonomou Comparison of peak characteristics of the F2 ionospheric layer obtained from the Cyprus Digisonde and IRI-2012 model during low and high solar activity period, Advances in Space Research (Elsevier), 2015 Doi: doi:10.1016/j.asr.2015.01.036.
- Panda, S. K., Haralambous, H. (2016). Variability of the bottomside B0 and B1 parameters of ionospheric electron density profile over Cyprus and comparison with IRI-2012 model Advances in Space Research (Elsevier).
- Mostafa, Md Golam, Haris Haralambous, Christina Oikonomou (2017). Evaluation of IRI predicted characteristics of ionospheric F1 layer by ionosonde observations in Nicosia, Cyprus Advances in Space Research, 59(6), 1548-1558.
- Mathew, Tiju Joseph, Haris Haralambous Christina Oikonomou (2017). Pre-sunrise uplift and sunrise downward excursion in the F-region vertical plasma drift: Observations from the mid-latitude station Nicosia Advances in Space Research.
- Wijaya, H. Haralambous, C. Oikonomou W. Kuntjoro (2017) Determination of the ionospheric foF2 using a stand-alone GPS receiver, Submitted on Journal of GeodesyJournal of Geodesy, 1-17.
- Haralambous H, Vryonides,L. Economou First Results from the Cyprus Digisonde, IET 11th International Conference on Ionospheric Radio Systems and Techniques (IRST) pp 9-13 May 2009 Edinburgh.
- Haralambous H, Papadopoulos H, A Neural Network model for the critical frequency of the F2 ionospheric layer over Cyprus International Conference on Engineering Applications of Neural Networks (EANN09) pp 371-379 Communications in Computer Science and Information Science (Springer) August 2009 London .
- Haralambous H, Vryonides,L. Economou , Papadopoulos H A local Total Electron Content Neural Network model over Cyprus 4th International Symposium on Communications, Control and Signal Processing (ISCCSP 2010) March 2010 Limassol pp 1-5. d.o.i:10.1109/ISCCSP.2010.5463306
- Cander, H. Haralambous Ionospheric Total Electron Content and critical frequencies over Nicosia at solar minimum, Beacon Satellite Symposium (BSS2010) pp 1-4 Barcelona 2010.
- Haralambous, B. Bidaine Comparison of GPS-derived vTEC over Cyprus with NEQUICK model, Beacon Satellite Symposium (BSS2010) pp 1-4 Barcelona 2010.
- Papadopoulos H, Haralambous H Reliable Predictive Intervals for the Critical Frequency of the F2 Ionospheric Layer, Volume 215 pp 1123-1124 19th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence ( ECAI2010) Lisbon 2010.
- Papadopoulos H, Haralambous H, Neural Networks Regression Inductive Conformal Predictor and its Application to the Prediction of Total Electron Content 20th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN09) September 2009 Salonica Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2010, Volume 6352/2010, 32-41, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-15819-3_4.
- A Agapitos, A Konstantinidis, H Haralambous, H Papadopoulos, Evolutionary Prediction of Total Electron Content over Cyprus 20th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks AIAI-10 October 2010 Limassol IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 2010, Volume 339/2010, 387-394, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-16239-8_50.
- Vryonides , L. Economou , Haralambous H, t. A study of sporadic E layer characteristics over Cyprus. Progress in Electromagnetic Research Symposium (PIERS 2011), March 2011 Marrakesh, Morocco.
- Haralambous H, Investigation of ionospheric slab thickness behaviour over Cyprus during minimum solar activity. Progress in Electromagnetic Research Symposium (PIERS 2011), March 2011 Marrakesh, Morocco.
- Haralambous, A. Ioannou and H. Papadopoulos. A Neural Network Tool for the Interpolation of foF2 Data in the Presence of Sporadic E Layer. In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Engineering Applications of Neural Networks (EANN 2011), IFIP AICT 363, pp. 306-314. Springer, September 2011 Korfu, Greece.
- Tsolaki, H. Haralambous, H. Papadopoulos, Forecasting Total Electron Content over Cyprus,Proceedings of the 24th Panhellenic Conference of the Greek Statistical Institute.
- H Haralambous, H Papadopoulos, A Neural Network for spatial and temporal modeling of foF2 data based on satellite measurements AIAI-12 September 2012 Halkidiki IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 2012.
- Alazo Cuartas, H. Haralambous, B.Nava, S.M. Radicella foF2 reconstruction over Nicosia by slant TEC ingestion into the NEQUICK model, Beacon Satellite Symposium (BSS2013) Bath UK July 2013.
- H Haralambous , Detection of sporadic E layers over the Eastern Mediterranean, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS2013) Melbourne Australia July 2013.
- H Haralambous , C. Oikonomou Study of topside electron density profiles obtained by COSMIC satellites and an ionosonde over Cyprus during a four year period, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS2013) Melbourne Australia July 2013.
- H Haralambous, H Papadopoulos, Developing an electron density profiler over Europe based on space radio occultation measurements AIAI-13 October 2013 Paphos.
- Alazo Cuartas, H. Haralambous, B. Nava and S. M. Radicella foF2 reconstruction over Nicosia by slant TEC ingestion into the NeQuick, Beacon Satellite Symposium (BSS2014) Bath 2014 UK.
- H Haralambous , C. Oikonomou Study of the topside electron density profiles obtained by COSMIC satellites and ionosondes over Europe during a 4 year period, International Symposium on Radio Systems and Space Plasma (ISRSSP 2014) Ruse Bulgaria October 2014.
- Haralambous H, Papadopoulos H, Developing an Ann Electron Density Profile Model Over Cyprus Based on Ionosonde Measurements, Third International Conference on Remote Sensing and Geoinformation of Environment Paphos Cyprus RSCy 2015 16-19 March 2015.
- G. Mostafa, H. Haralambous, S. P. Majumder Ionospheric Measurements over Bangladesh and Their Significance on Radio Systems Operation, 1st IEEE International Conference on Telecommunications and Photonics (ICTP) 2015 27-28 December, 2015 Bangladesh .
- Haralambous H, Dekoulis,P. Vryonides, Operation of a new fully automated digisonde (DPS-4D) in Cyprus 12th International Symposium on Equatorial Aeronomy (ISEA12) May 2008 Crete.
- M. Warrington, E. Tulunay and the COST-296 WG2 Team A Review of Working Group 2 (Advanced Terrestrial Systems) of the COST 296 Action, European Geosciences Union General Assembly (EGU2009) April 2009 Vienna.
- Haralambous H, Vryonides,L. Economou , Enhancements in the critical frequency foF2 over Cyprus during a low solar activity period in the absence of pronounced geomagnetic activity 6th European Space Weather Week (ESWW6) November 2009 Brugges.
- Haralambous, H. Tsolaki A variability and statistical study of foF2 over Cyprus, APS/URSI Symposium Toronto 2010.
- Haralambous H, Economou , P. Vryonides, Comparison of foF2 values extracted from DIAS maps and ionosonde measurements at Nicosia during low solar activity 7th European Space Weather Week (ESWW7) November 2010 Brugges.
- Economou ,Haralambous H, Comparison between IRI-2007 predictions and ionosonde measurements of hmF2 at Nicosia during low solar activity 7th European Space Weather Week (ESWW7) November 2010 Brugges.
- Haralambous H Comparison of electron density profiles extracted from DIAS maps and ionosonde measurements at Nicosia during low solar activity XXX URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of International Union of Radio Science August 2011 Istanbul.
- Haralambous H, S. Anaksagora, L. Economou , P. Vryonides, Comparison of GPS-derived vTEC over Cyprus with IRI-2007 XXX URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of International Union of Radio Science August 2011 Istanbul.
- Vryonides, H. Haralambous, M. Fragoudi Spread F Observations during Low Solar activity over Cyprus XXX URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of International Union of Radio Science August 2011 Istanbul.
- Haralambous Haris, Leontiou Theodoros, Anaxagora Stelios, Comparison between foF2 values extracted from DIAS maps and COSMIC measurements over Europe 8th European Space Weather Week (ESWW8) November 2011 Brugges.
- Economou ,Haralambous H,, F region drift observations over Cyprus 8th European Space Weather Week (ESWW8) November 2011 Brugges.
- Haralambous H, Climatology during a low solar activity and enhancements in the critical frequency foF2 over Cyprus in the absence of pronounced geomagnetic activity 13th International Symposium on Equatorial Aeronomy (ISEA12) March 2012 Lima.
- Haralambous H, S. Anaksagora Study of Peak Electron Density Obtained by COSMIC, Ionosondes and IRI Model over Europe During a Four Year Period, APS/URSI Symposium Chicago 2012.
- Haralambous H, Model Considerations of E-region Critical Frequency Data (foE) over Cyprus. Progress in Electromagnetic Research Symposium (PIERS 2012), August 2012 Moscow.
- Vryonides, H. Haralambous, C Tomouzos, G Pelopidas Investigation of Ionospheric Slab Thickness and Plasmaspheric TEC Using Satellite Measurements Progress in Electromagnetic Research Symposium (PIERS 2012), August 2012 Moscow.
- Haralambous Haris, Economou Contribution of Cyprus to COST ES0803 9th European Space Weather Week (ESWW9) November 2012 Brussels.
- H Haralambous, P Vryonides A comparison between automatically and manually scaled ionospheric characteristics over Cyprus from 2009 to 2012 International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy IAGA 12th Scientific Assembly August 2013 Yucatan, Mexico.
- H Haralambous, P Vryonides, T.Leontiou Comparison of reconstructed F2 layer peak parameters over Cyprus by slant TEC ingestion into the NeQuick model and manually scaled data, European Geosciences Union General Assembly (EGU2014) Vienna April 2014.
- Haris Haralambous, Study of bottomside electron density profiles obtained by COSMIC and the Cyprus digisonde, Asia Oceania Geosciences Society 11th Annual Meeting (AOGS2014) Sapporo Japan July 2014.
- Haralambous, C. Oikonomou, and C. Haldoupis, Sporadic-E Characteristics Over the Eastern Mediterranean, Asia Oceania Geosciences Society 11th Annual Meeting (AOGS2014) Sapporo Japan July 2014.
- Haralambous, C. Oikonomou,M. Comparison between IRI predictions and digisonde measurements of F-layer characteristics at Nicosia, Committee on space research Scientific Assembly COSPAR 2014 Moscow August 2014.
- C Oikonomou, A Belehaki, I Tsagouri, H Haralambous Investigation of Sporadic E tidal variability and characteristics observed with the Athens Digisonde, European Geosciences Union General Assembly (EGU2017) Vienna April 2017.